
Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I remember when we had individual conferences with our professor last semester. I remember thinking, "What in the world am I going to tell him?" I had no real understanding of multimedia. I had no real expectations. It's like when you go to a review session, and though ideally you're supposed to ask questions, you're hoping other people will ask them for you, because you don't know the material. Well that was me, hoping my professor would guide me to the right questions and then the right answers.

Boy oh boy did that change. As soon as I got the hang of Twitter, blogging, editing videos, etc., etc., I realized I had many questions and many ideas, but just not enough time. I felt like a creative side of me that lay dormant had suddenly awoken, and it just wanted to experiment with everything. There were event times when I wish I had my camera to take video of some club activity or something going on at Lehigh, and there were times I wish I could livetweet an event, only to remember, no, I don't have a Blackberry or an iPhone, I have a stupidphone (bc that would be the opposite of a smartphone, right?)

Little things like that made me realize how aware I was of social media, how critical it had become to the evolution of our society's communication. Every moment, if you decided it could be, was important. So, in terms of social media consciousness--I think I did well.

In terms of execution, there were things that I could have done better, like time management or video editing-related stuff, but overall, because I did something I had never done before, and from what it looked like, people enjoyed my work, then I would have to say I surpassed my expectations.

Of course, there's always, ALWAYS room for improvement, and I think I could have blogged more or tweeted more.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God, I love this so much:

    "Every moment, if you decided it could be, was important."

    This is going to be the theme for my spring senior seminar, in a sense, but I love the wording here. Love it.

    We definitely need a quote wall for J198.
